Friday, November 21, 2008

The Links for November 20th

Oh God, they go apeshit over bubbles. I mean, that's an incredible thing about a child. What's so great about bubbles? I wish I liked anything as much as my kids like bubbles. It's totally sad; their smiling faces point out your inability to enjoy anything.

Theme Song
Sublime - KRS-One

LOLCat of the YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Jambaroo

Ian Flemming - sexist pig

BEST TOASTER EVAHRR !!!11111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 best Bond death scenes
75 comics to movies
5 strange athlete

15 worse album covers of all time


Some deep stuff, God doesn't roll dice.

Tawmmy is not pleased with Tennessee

Mrs Palin chilling by the pool.

This cover to Green Lantern #39 is most baddass. Now we have met the Green, Yellow, Red, Blue and Orange lanterns. That leaves Indigo and Violet.

Another week, another cheerleader controversy

Really really messed up. Like creepy scary messed up. And the
wiki article doesn't make it any less F'D up.


Nicolodian chicks all grown up.

Pacman is reinstated. Best new Pacman word evarr!~~~``````1111!!! dickantula

Link of the Week
Wow, some redneck hilarity

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Links for November 13th

I am a choreographer. It's what I do. You are cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded. What you do is a tiny, pathetic subset of dancing. I will attempt to transform your stiff, robotic routines into poetry written with the human body. Follow me or perish, sweater-monkeys.

LOLCat of the Week

Theme Song
REM - Pop Song 89

The Jambaroo

God that game sucked ass bigtime.

Top 10 cheerleader scandals
20 toys not yet turned into movies - I would go see a madballs movie.
11 movie tomboys
20 hottest cheerleading

Companies that destroy the world

Set phaser's to Geek,

Dr. Paul talks sense to the masses.

"And I never recruited agaisnt Kentucky again", again, WTF!!!

An interview with the great PittGirl

And PittGirl's love letter to Pittsburgh

Wade and Jerry do Japan and ripoff Contact

Very good read on the election results.

The Pensblog recaps that
amazing game
from Tuesday night.

Link of the Week
Fantasy and Fantasy, nice

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Links for November 6th

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage."

Theme Song
Billy Joel - Miami 2017

LOLCat of the Week

The Jambaroo

I, for one, welcome our new liger hybrid overlords.

Happy 40th Anniversary USC SongGirls

Barry hates on

Top 10 hockey quotes
5 most awesome spaceships from TV
3 movies mad scientists love
Bad Bond schemes

Unleash the Sexy Dragon

I, for one, welcome our new vampiric overlords.

Mike Tomlin comes to a shocking realization

Getting to know Texas Tech

Not a good week for Tawmmy

Always a good week with
Minka Kelly

Link of the Week
Best use of term "magic cooch" evar!!11!!!!